Author Archives: Kieran

Huawei E585 – MiFi from 3

January 10th, 2011 | by Kieran

I have been a 3 Mobile Broadband customer for about two years now and over the weekend Idecided to replace [&hellip

Chicken Balti

January 5th, 2011 | by Kieran

Possibly my favourite of all dishes, again derived from a Weight Watchers recipe this has to be one of the [&hellip

Daim Cake

January 5th, 2011 | by Kieran

A friend made me this cake for my birthday, and is without a doubt the most fabulous cake I have [&hellip

Mobile Photos 2010

December 27th, 2010 | by Kieran

A small selection of the photos I have taken on my phone over the course of 2010. please be warned, [&hellip

Christmas Day Photos

December 25th, 2010 | by Kieran

Went as far as Mullingar this morning, and took some photos of the Royal Canal and Lough Ennell. Both of [&hellip

Apple MacBook Air

November 1st, 2010 | by Kieran

Steve Jobs, joked about what would happen if an “iPad and MacBook hooked up”? In his own unique way, he [&hellip

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